Saturday Daytime Activities

The schedule below is subject to changes as needed. 

Lusk Falls (Chutes de Lusk) - Gatineau Park

(Moderate to Strenuous Hike)
This will be one of the most absolutely stunning hikes you will ever experience! You cannot come to Ottawa Odyssey and miss this hike!

The 2.8 mile (4.5 km) Luskville Falls Trail is not long, but it certainly goes up! The 950 foot (290 meter) climb brings you to a peak elevation of 1,250 feet above sea level up the rocky slope of the Eardley Escarpment. The summit is part of an ancient mountain range composed of Precambrian rock, eroded by water, wind and glaciers. You will scramble up a series of stepping stones and between rocks alongside a series of waterfalls as you ascend to the fire tower high up in Gatineau Park. You will experience large pine, rushing falls, wildlife, stunning rock formations, trickling rivers, and great views. You will also get a very good workout.

At first, the hike is steep and rocky as you pass the rushing "Chutes de Lusk", largest of the waterfalls, near the beginning of the hike. We will hike through the forest and see nature at its finest; water tumbling along various rock walls and into deep pools. The water has worn the rock smooth. There are three stops on the trail: Lusk gazebo, Pontiac and fire tower.
Once at the top of the ridge, we can explore the ridge line and rock, enjoying great views back on the Ottawa valley. We will then continue along the well-worn trail to the fire tower.

Moderate hikers will turn around at the fire tower and begin the descent back to flat land. Advanced hikers will reach the fire tower sooner at their faster pace and continue an extra 1.5 miles (2 km) along the rangers’ road to a cabin before turning back. There are many vistas along the way to stop and enjoy lunch.

Hiking boots with good ankle support are MANDATORY on this hike. Hiking poles are recommended.
Distance from camp: 15 Min /18 Km / 11.3 Miles

Lusk Cave

Come and explore Lusk Cave — a superb marble cave and natural geological phenomenon that has been thousands of years in the making. Lusk Cave is a prominent feature of Gatineau Park in Quebec. The cave itself is actually a subterranean river, accessed through a couple of spots where the roof of the cave has collapsed. If you visit the cave, you will get wet - no question about it. The only remaining question is, "how wet?". 

The cave can be divided into two sections: The first half you will encounter knee-deep levels of water and several points of daylight coming through where the cave has falling in spots. There are interesting geological formations, rock shelves, and cool textures. The water running along the bottom is cool and crystal clear. The terrain gets slightly steeper in the second half and caution must be used in some spots that have a 5ft drop. The second section is in full darkness. The water is often waist deep, but there is one section right at the end where the water can be near your nose. This last for about 25ft before you emerge at the end. There is point in the between the two sections where you can climb out if you do not want to go forward. 

The cave will take under an hour to go through the cave. This will be part of a four hour 10KM / 6 mile hike partly along the shores of Lac Philippe and rolling hills. The Lusk Cave Trail passes through old-growth forest of black cherry, ironwood, maple, yellow birch and silver birch.

The caves themselves are interesting and in some spots quite picturesque, but you can't enjoy them if you don't have the right gear and you don't know how to travel through them with confidence. We will arrive at the caves and leave all our belongings at the exit of the cave. Then we walk around the top to the start. You will need a helmet, closed toe/ heeled water shoes ( NO Flip Flops), gloves (garden work gloves or rubber gloves) and at least two (preferably three) waterproof sources of light. One light source should be a headlamp. Expect to get very wet. DO NOT ATTEMPT this hike if you are claustrophobic. You must be comfortable crawling through tight spaces and nimble to figure out the way through. 

Distance from camp 60 Min / 34KM / 21 Miles Cost $3

YouTube Video of Cave
Second YouTube Video
Trail Facts about the Cave Tour

Easy Hike around the Morris Island Conservation Area

The Morris Island Conservation Area is located along the Ottawa River near the community of Fitzroy Harbour. This 47 hectare site consists of forested woodlands and wetlands that will appeal to nature enthusiasts of all ages. Refresh your mind with exciting new sights: ancient majestic trees, rarely spotted birds and shoreline landscapes that remind you of a Group of Seven painting. You could see mature mixed fir and deciduous forest, interesting rock formations, shoreline of small inlets and bays, wildflowers, lichens, fungi, squirrels, chipmunks, interesting birds, butterflies and a few dragonflies. A variety of ecosystems within Morris Island provide a home for both water species and interior forest species

The Morris Island Conservation Area is a beautiful location for hiking and boating. There are many well marked trails to follow and enjoy the beautiful Ottawa River high above the Fitxroy Dam. There are wooden benches to stop to rest along the walk or stop and enjoy a picnic while watching the waters flow by. There is a causeway located on the main trail which would be wheelchair accessible if needed. Take along your binoculars to enjoy the bird watching features. The tall pine, oak and maple trees will amaze you. Beautiful to enjoy any time of year.

Distance from camp: 55 Min / 24KM / 15 Miles (This includes Quyon Ferry crossing of the Ottawa River)

Guided stroll with our own naturalist David Liebman at the Morris Island Conservation Area

We will explore the Ottawa River ecosystem on a 3 hour stroll with our resident naturalist David Liebman. You may spend more time being enlightened by David's extensive knowledge than you do walking as you explore the intellectual interest that has inspired researchers and scientists and to study the extraordinary natural and ecological diversity of the Ottawa River. David will help point out over a dozen rare plant and animal species are found here, such as the endangered Musk Turtle and Map Turtle. Explore many rare and unique plants and animals are located in what is known as Shore Alvar vegetation. These bizarre natural meadows are dominated by water tolerant plants located on marble deposits and limestone bedrock.

A few things we are likely to see:

  • Club mosses (Lycopodium), an ancient group of plants that include species that were as large as trees in the fossil record and that fed the dinosaurs. 
  • Canada Yew which contains chemicals called taxanes that are used to make important anti-cancer drugs such as Taxol®. Almost everyone knows someone who has taken this medication, but can you identify the plant?
  • The Canadian musk turtle.
  • Little Duckweed the smallest leaf plant in the world.
  • Waterfowl resting and gaining weight before migrating south this winter.Moose or coyote
  • Click here to see a plant list of the area

 Distance from camp: 55 Min / 24KM / 15 Miles (This includes Quyon Ferry crossing of the Ottawa River)

All Day Road Biking from Camp through Quyon to Cycloparc PPJ Rail Trail & Back

Enjoy a 32-62KM /20-30 mile out and back bike ride with most elevation gain of around 120-140 meter / 400-460 feet in the first half of the ride. Just out of Camp B’nai Brith we will spend a few minutes on the shoulder of a 2 lane highway before turning onto a quiet country road that leads into Quyon. Once past Quyon,.11 KM /7 Miles into the ride we’ll reach the start of Cycloparc PPJ - a rail trail which is the former bed of the Pontiac Pacific Junction railway. We will continue along this rail trail through rich agricultural area with a surprising bio-diversity. Here, wilderness and agriculture coexist harmoniously for the naturalist's pleasure passing by picturesque farmland, forest and marshland. Cycloparc PPJ travels west through the town of Shawville after another 17KM (10 Miles) /65M / 213 Feet Elevation gain along the ride from the start of the rail trial itself. Shawville features red brick homes and olden-days charm.

The length of the ride will be determined by the group before heading down the rail trail. Most likely we will turn around before arriving in Shawville. This cycling event is for intermediate cyclists or beginners who have practiced riding 40 KM /25 miles at one time. Along the way back we will stop for ice cream while passing through the quaint town of Quyon while watching the ferry come across. Bikes supplied by camp or bring your own. Cycloparc PPJ has a crushed stone dust surface. Thin tire is possible, but recommend slightly wider. Limit 15 people per group. Free.

Cycloparc PPJ
Video of Cyloparc PPJ
Route with Elevation Profile

Canoe to Fiztroy Provincial Park – Full Day

Leaving from the shores of Camp B’nai Brith, Quebec on the Ottawa River we will paddle up river 6 ½ KM / 4 Miles to Fitzroy Provincial Park, Ontario. Take a 2KM / 1.5 Mile stroll around the Carp trail or just relax at the shore. Then paddle back to camp for a total of 13KM / 8 Miles roundtrip.

The Ottawa River is a 1271 km / 78 Miles long river in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. For most of its length, it defines the border between these two provinces. The camp rests along the banks within the borders of the village of Quyon, QC. The paddle between camp and the park is along a very wide part of the river with a variety of forest, farmland and cottages along its banks. We will be stopping just short of Chats Falls Hydroelectric Dam. Along the way will pass the village of Quyon and its ferry. 

Fitzroy Provincial Park, on the Ottawa River, Ontario designated as recreational-class by Ontario Parks. Majestic white pine covers much of this park. The park features century-old trees and a stand of 300-year-old bur oaks by the Carp River while shale terraces and pillars reveal a glacial past and an even mightier waterway.

The Carp Trail's namesake is the Carp River, which runs through the park on its way to the Ottawa River. This short trail begins in an upland forest, overlooking the Carp River. The landscape along this narrow path eventually transitions into a low-lying, swampy environment. There will be about 30 Meter / 100 Ft. Elevation gain during this 2KM / 1.5 Mile stroll.

Boats will be supplied by the camp. This is a free activity.

Video of Carp Trail 
Photos from Fitzroy Provincial Park

Star Trek, Canada Aviation & Space Museum - SOLD OUT

Visit the Canadian Aviation & Space Museum with exhibits like Starfleet Academy Experience, Life In Orbit: The International Space Station, Green Skies Ahead and Techno Zone: Eye In The Sky (click on the links to see more about each exhibit).
Distance from camp 60 Min / 58KM / 36 Miles Cost: $20 Adults / $17 for Seniors over 60 (Star Trek Exhibit included).




Half Day Kayak from camp on the Ottawa River - SOLD OUT

Enjoy an out and back paddle on the Ottawa River. We will paddle upstream just about two miles to the town of Quyon, stretch our legs for a 15 minute walk to enjoy an ice cream, then paddle back downstream to camp.  The Ottawa River is a 1271 km / 78 Miles long river in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec. For most of its length, it defines the border between these two provinces. The camp rests along the banks within the borders of the village of Quyon, QC. This is just east of the Canadian Capital of Ottawa. Boats will be supplied by the camp. This is a free activity. Limit 6

Pics of Ottawa River near Quyon 
History of the Ottawa River 
History of Quyon
Info of the shores of Quyon




Tennis Tournament

Water Skiing

Open Pool


Shabbat Services

Easy Walk around trails within camp

Ball Hockey Game



Shabbat Afternoon Talk with David B. Brooks: What Does the Torah Teach Us About Climate Change?

Some ecological scholars blame today's ecological problems on the Judeo-Christian heritage. This talk will show that, from the earliest literature, our Jewish heritage has a strong ecological flavour, and that that we can find ecologically oriented directives if not laws throughout the Tannakh, the Midrash, and the Talmud. In the Middle Ages when Jews were not allowed to own property in most of Europe, these teachings fell into non-use, but in recent years they are being reclaimed in principle and in practice. CART services will be provided by Absolute Realtime Reporting Services [Rec Hall]

Volleyball on the Beachfront

Mini Golf Tournament

Speed Climbing Wall Tournament

The camp has climbing walls hanging over the pool. Test how fast you can climb up the wall. 


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